Astrophotography Students in Action

Fall '07 class, on the hill waiting for dark and a chance to spot Comet Holmes

Karl instructs on the criteria for a good negative to bring into the printing room

Cony gets wet in the dark room. Printing is fun!

Allen and Jay diagnose a balky camera

A tired crew's all-nighter for Leonids '02 in Bonny Doon

Bob, Shahram, and Chris at Leonids '02 in Bonny Doon

Aura doing her guided time exposure project on the Losmandy GM8 mount

Duncan admires Jonathan's new astrophoto setup on its inaugural night

Yep. JC's pretty happy now that's he got a quality Losmandy GM8 rig. No more struggling with lame-o mounts and scopes.

The Fall '08 class cozy's up inside the Observatory warm room after fog rolls in.

Carolyn and Ann Photoshop their galaxy pictures

Brent and Mitchal watch as their first 5-min shot of Comet SWAN downloads off the ST2000XCM camera


And many more photos can be found on these adventures with Astro 9 alumni....

Total lunar eclipse of May 15, 2003

Mercey Hot Springs 2003

Eagle Rock comet photography trip

Comet K4 LINEAR photo trip - July 28, 2004

Total lunar eclipse of Oct 27, 2004

Mercey Hot Springs 2004

Geminids Meteor Shower - Dec 13, 2004

Comet Macholz/Plieades - Jan 7, 2005

Antares Occultation - July 17, 2005

Carrizo Plain - June 10, 2005

"Deep Impact" hits Comet Temple I - July 3, 2005

Meade DSI checkout at Cabrillo Observatory - July 12, '05

Carrizo Plain/Hi Mtn Condor Lookout - Sept 12, 2005

Mercey Hot Springs 2005 - Oct 7, 2005

Astro 9 Trip to PAS Observatory - Nov 5, '05

Carrizo Plain National Monument - Dec 3, 2005

Astro 9 Trip to Bonny Doon Airfield Star Party - Sept 16, '06

Comet McNaught '07

June '07 trip to Coast Rd. Reservoir

Mercy Hot Springs Astro 9 DarkSky Trip Oct '08

Bonny Doon Astro 9 DarkSkyTrip Nov '08


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