Ron's Gallery

NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula
Ron Yelton  9/6/10 2400L Bonny Doon Arpt.Orion 190mm Mak/Newt/Losmandy G11
SBIG ST-4000xcm -12c 9 x 10min Subs acquired with CCDSoft.
Stacked and processed with CCDStack. Levels, Curves and Color in Photo Shop CS2

NGC 6960 - Veil Nebula Ron Yelton 9/15/10 21302400L Cabrillo Observatory Orion 190mm Mak/Newt / Losmandy G11 SBIG ST-4000xcm -12c, 6 x 5min Subs acquired with CCDSoft. Stacked and processed with CCDStack. Levels, Curves and Color in Photo Shop CS2

M 13 – The Great Hercules Cluster - Ron Yelton 10/2/10 2030L Bonny Doon Arpt. Orion 190mm Mak/Newt/Losmandy G11, SBIG ST-4000xcm, chip @ -16c, 1 x 10min, Subs acquired with CCDSoft. Stacked and processed with CCDStack. Photo Shop CS2: Curves, Levels, Brightness / Contrast, Shadow / Highlight, Curves,
Brightness / Contrast

Moon with Boeing 757
Ron Yelton 8/14/10, 2200L, Bonny Doon Airport. Meade 10” SCT with f/6.3 Focal Reducer / Losmandy G11
SBIG ST-4000xcm, chip @ -15c, 1 x .003sec Subs acquired with CCDSoft. Processed with CCDStack. Levels, Curves and Color in Photo Shop CS2

Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Images taken by Rick Nolthenius    10/08/10  Big Sur 8” Meade LDX-75 f/4, GM-8 Polar Mount, SBIG ST-4000xcm, chip @-25c,  5 x 5min, Subs acquired with CCDOps, Individual images were all Calibrated, Hot/Cold Pixel Removal, Registered, Normalized with CCDStack. Photoshop
Levels, Curves, Sharpened, Color Adjusted, Space and Deep Space Noise Reduction with Carboni Actions in Photoshop

Converted to .GIF Animation with help from Fred Miles

Phil's Gallery

three of the ten photos stacked on the comet center in photoshop. Then took the minimum of the three photos to remove the stars. Then repeted this step with three more photos until all ten photos were used. Repeated steps again but this time stacking on the stars and then took the mimimum to remove the comet. The stacked the minimums to get a clear shot shot of stcked stars and comet. then Adjusted curves and levels to smooth everything out. Croped.

NGC 884, and NGC 869. Shot 11/10/10 under bad seeing and a partial moon. Taken with the St4k camera on the 8" mede. Three five minuets photos starting at 7:45. Chip tempeture was at -30C. Color processed using DDP, Stacked in Registax V5.1. Photoshop steps are as follows, levels and curves adjusted 5 times. Performed a guassen blur, and subtracted the green mask. selected and feathered both clusters and adjusted curves for each clusters. Deep space noise reduction, then clone stamp to clean up dead pixles.

The Dumbbell Nebula, 9/29/2010. Shot with the ST2000xcm CCD camera with the 8" Meade LXD75. 4 Exposures each 5 minuetes long, under a clear dark sky, with no moon. Chip temperatures at -19C, and -20C for the other three photos. Each photo dark subtracted and single shot colorized RGB in CCDOPS. Stacked in Registax V5.1 useing single shot alignment. Editted in photoshop CS5, Cropped and clone stamped to fixed dead pixels. Astrotools : Space Noise Reduction X1, Make Stars Smaller X1, Enhance DSO and Reduce Stars X1. Adjusments to curves x1, levels x1, and raised the vibrance level.

Star trail at the Cabrillo Observatory taken November 10th. Ten 30 second exposers taken from 7:45pm till 7:52pm. Shot were taken with my Cannon Rebel on my portable no name tripod. Dampness in the air being a night after a rain storm. The ten photos were staked using registax V 5.1. Photo was then edited in photoshop, Adjusted levels, adjusted curves, clone stamp to fix dead pixles and light that blurred on the damp lens.

First quarter moon shot taken September 15th, 2010. One 1/250 sec exposure, using a Nikon D40 attached to the Mede 10"LX200 telescope. On a Clear night with decent seeing. Edited in Photoshop CS5. Cropped, rotated and flipped images. Adjusted Shadows and highlights, curves, and levels. readjusted shadows and highlights, curves. Used astrotools Space noise reduction X1. Re-adjusted Levels, Shadows and highlights, and curves.

Duncan's Gallery

NGC 891 Edge-on Spiral Galaxy
11.3.2010 @ 10:15 pm, Cabrillo Observatory-Inside Warm/Cold rooms, Meade 12" LX200 OTA, Losmandy GM-11 Gemini Go-To system gem, SBIG ST2K, 3 x 5 min. CCDOPS: dark subtract - adaptive, single shot color processing -sRGB+Gamma, Registax 5: single point stacking, Classic, box size 64, Photoshop CS2: Levels - RGB & Green (attempted to remove light pollution), Curves - RGB, "Actions" - Make Stars Smaller, Space Noise Reduction, Crop Tool, Clone Stamp Tool (used extensively)

M42 "The Great Nebula in Orion"
12.1.2010 @ 10:30 pm, Cabrillo Observatory, Meade 8" LXD75 Schmidt-Newt., Losmandy GM-8 gem, SBIG ST4K, 4 x 5 min. CCDOPS: dark subtract - adaptive, single shot color processing -sRGB+Gamma, Registax 5: single point stacking, Classic, box size 64, Photoshop CS2:Curves - RGB, Unsharp Mask - Amount 319
"Actions" - Make Stars Smaller, Space Noise Reduction 2x, Crop Tool

M33, 11.24.2010 @ 9:45 pm, Cabrillo Observatory, Meade LXD75 8" Schmidt-Newt., Losmandy GM-8 gem, SBIG ST4K, 8 x 5 min. CCDOPS: dark subtract - adaptive, single shot color processing RGB+Gamma
Registax 5: single point stacking, Classic, box size 64 Photoshop CS2:
Levels - RGB & Green reduction
"Actions" - Make Stars Smaller, Space Noise Reduction, Enhance DSO & Reduce Stars, Unsharp Mask - Amount 287, Clone Stamp Tool,Crop Tool

M27 - "Dumbell" Nebula
9.29.2010 @ 9:45 pm - 10:15 pm, Cabrillo Observatory, Meade 8" LXD75 Schmidt-Newt., Losmandy GM-8 gem, SBIG ST2K, 4 x 5 min. CCDOPS: dark subtract - adaptive, single shot color processing - sRGB+Gamma, Registax 5: single point stacking, Classic, box size 64, Photoshop CS2: Levels - RGB Curves - RGB, "Actions" - Make Stars Smaller, Space Noise Reduction (cont.)
Rotate Canvas - 90 Degrees CW

103P/Comet Hartley 2
10.6.2010, Big Sur @ the Ponderosa Campground, Meade 8" LXD75 f4 Schmidt-Newt., Losmandy GM-8 gem, SBIG ST4K, 10 x 5 min., excellent seeing. CCDOPS: dark subtract - adaptive, single shot color processing - sRGB+Gamma Registax 5: single point stacking, Classic, box size 64 Photoshop CS2: Levels - RGB, Crop Tool, Clone Stamp,"Actions"-Space Noise Reduction

Mykee's Gallery

This is a picture taken with a nikon d3000 in mid Dec.2010. The sun was setting just outside teh harbor in Santa Cruz. It was such a beautiful shot it really  didn't need much processing. Just a touch in curves in Photoshop.

This is a photo I took while walking across railroad bridge. The night was a summer eve 2010. kinda of clear. The camera was a point and shoot canon coolpix. The only processing I did was level & curves in Photoshop.

This is a shot of the moon. Taken on sept.8. It was taken by placing my Nikon d300 camera against the 10'' LX200 telescope with a 30 sec. exposure. I processed the photo in Photoshop by running a sharp filter then levels and curves.

This is the Iris Nebula or NGC 7023. This was taken on Dec.1 around 9:15 pm. Camera used was ST4K. 3 shots at 5 minute exposures. Processed in CCD OPS. I had trouble in Registax. It just wouldn't stack. So I processed a single photo in Photoshop. I tried Levels, and curves and a few filters. 

This is the Orion Nebula or M42. This picture was taken on Dec.1 around 8:30pm. The skies were somewhat clear.It was taken on theST4K. It was 3 shots at 5 min. exposures. Then processed in CCD OPS .Then Put into Registax 4.1. Then Photoshop where I ran a few filters and Levels and curves adjustments.

Giselle's Gallery

Surprised Moon:Giselle A. Stayerman, .Cabrillo observatory,15/09/10  meade LX200 SCT, Nikon D40. Astronomy tools:Noise reduction- Gausian blur, Contrast +5, 1 shot 1/250 sec.

M42: Giselle A. Stayerman Cabrillo observatory, 11/10/2010 23:04STK4 3CCD, ,meade LX200 SCT, Nikon D40, temp:-24.94 cFilters- blurAstronomy tools-noise reduction,curves-Inp:73 Out:33, Saturation: +5


Josh's Gallery

hartley comet-cannon 590 powershot-this was a great shot of the comet hartley. we used the registax program to line up the shots, and used photoshop to do the rest. we used the reduce noise function, despeckle, sharpen image, and less blur.


bighalfmoon1-we took my cannon 590 powershot and placed it over the eyepiece of the telescope and this is what i got. we used photoshop to manipulate the photo. we used the sharpen image function, despeckle function, reduce noise function and less blur.

moonandtrees-cannon 590 powershot-f8-iso200-1/2000th-shot was taken on the west side of Santa Cruz by bay st. i used photoshop to edit the picture. we used the reduce noise function, sharpen image, less blur, despeckle, and plastic wrap for effect.

moonshot2-cannon powershot 590-f8-iso200-1/2000th-this shot was taken at the cabrillo observatory. we used photoshop to edit the picture. we used the reduce noise function, despeckle, sharpen image, and less blur.

moonshot3-cannon powershot 590-f8-iso200-1/2000th-this shot was taken on west cliff, with my camera zoomd as far as it would go. we used the despeckle function, sharpen image, reduce noise and less blur and motion blur, due to the camera shaking a little.

Jonathan's Gallery


Skylar's Gallery

Orion Nebula (M42, NGC 1976) Photographed at 10:00~10:20pm on Decemeber 2nd 2010 at -30C. A series of four 5min images were taken and compiled from the ST4000 attached to the 8” Meade Telescope. Color mode for the single shot process was sRGB w/ Gamma, they were aligned in Registax and edited in Photoshop CS3 using Curves, Levels. (Photo shared with Duncan, Greta, and Michael)

Lagoon Nebula (M8, NGC 6523) Photographed at 8:50~9:15pm on September 30th 2010 at -20C. A series of five 5min images were taken and compiled from the ST2000 attached to the 8” Meade Telescope. Color mode for the single shot process was sRGB w/ Gamma, they were aligned in Registax, and adjusted in Photoshop 7 to remove green light pollution and sharpen the surrounding stars using the action of the same name.

Pleaides (M45) Photographed at 9:25~9:40pm on November 11th 2010 at -25C. A series of four 5min images were taken and compiled from the ST4000 attached to the 8” Meade Telescope. Color mode for the single shot process was sRGB w/ Gamma, they were aligned in Registax and edited in Photoshop CS3 using Curves, Levels. (Photo shared with Allen)

Short Star Trails over Observatory-Photographed at 8:03pm on November 3th 2010 at ambient temperature. The photograph was taken from the a Nikon D40x at 18mm . The image was taken as a Nikon raw (NEF) and exposure, brightness, contrast, and white balance were all adjusted in post-production. Polaris is just visible at the left hand side of the photo, showing increased azimuth as the stars wrap around away from it.


Moon (Duh) Photographed at 8:40pm on September 23th at ambient temperature. The photograph was taken from the a Nikon D40x at 18mm . The image was taken as a Nikon raw (NEF) and exposure, brightness, contrast, and white balance were all adjusted in post-production.

Ryan's Gallery

moon, taken 9/15, using 10" scope, 1/250 second

m13, taken 9/29 at 9:09 pm, using the 8" scope, 5 x 1 minute exposures

treeline behind observatory, taken 9/29 at 8:00 pm, using canon 50d, 30 second exposure

gamma nebula, taken 11/10 at 10:15 pm, using the 8" scope, 3 x 5 minute exposures

8" telescope, taken 9/29 at 9:00 pm, using canon 50d, 30 second exposure

Greta's Gallery

IC1805 - Greta Steinbruner Fall '10 Clear night, acceptable seeing, minimal moon, 5x5min, 8"scope, SBIG ST4K CCD, -25deg, Color Processing: sRGB with Gamma, Post Processing: levels, curves, brightness/contrast, despeckle, hue/saturation

NGC891 - Greta Steinbruner Fall '10, Clear, cold night, decent seeing, minimal moon, 3x5min w/ 12" scope, SBIG ST2K CCD, -23deg, Color Processing: sRGB with Gamma, Post Processing: curves, levels, hue/saturation, brightness/contrast, unsharp mask

M33 - Greta Steinbruner Fall '10 Clear, cold night, good seeing, minimal moon, 8x5min w/ 8" scope, SBIG ST4K CCD, -30deg, Color Processing: sRGB with Gamma, Post Processing: curves, levels, hue/saturation, "space noise reduction", "deep space noise reduction","make stars smaller", "enhance DSO, reduce stars"


Veil Nebula - Greta Steinbruner Fall '10,Clear, cold night, decent seeing, minimal moon, 6x5min w/ 8" scope, SBIG ST4K CCD,-30deg, Color Processing: sRGB with Gamma, Post Processing: levels, curves, hue/saturation, "make stars smaller", "enhance DSO, reduce stars", "less crunchy, more fuzzy"

Star Trails - Greta Steinbruner Fall '10, Relatively clear, cool night, minimal moon, 1x20min @ 18mm with Canon 20D DSLR, Post Processing: curves, levels, brightness/contrast, hue/saturation


Our Class: Kneeling - Gisselle, Greta, Skylar, Ron. Standing - Sondra, Josh, Phil, Mykee, Duncan, and Jonathan. Not shown are Emmy, Allen, Ryan, and Hillary.